Journey Church

Current Message
  • Jesus Is Lord of The Sabbath (Jesús es El Señor del Sábado)
  • Jesus Was The Word, Is The Word, Will Always Be The Word  (Jesús Era La Palabra, Es La Palabra, Siem
  • If We Want To Follow Jesus (Si Queremos Seguir a Jesús)
  • Keep In Step With The Spirit (Manténgase Al Paso Con El Espíritu)
  • Put The Will of God Before The Desires of The World (Ponga La Voluntad de Dios Por Encima de Los Des
  • Stand Against The Schemes of The Devil (Podaís Estar Firmes Contra Las Asechanzas del Diablo)
  • Know That We Are Under Attack (Sepa Que Estamos Bajo Ataque)
  • Evidence That I Believe (Evidencia de que creo en Dios)
  • Evidence That I Love God (Part 2 of 2)
  • Evidence That I Love God (Evidencia de Que Amo a Dios)
  • Lies Destroying The Believers Fellowship With God (Mentiras Que Destruyen La Comunión Del Creyente C
  • What Does It Mean To Believe?
  • The Alpha and The Omega
  • Servicio de adoración
  • The God of Restoration (El Dios de la Restauración)
  • The Cross Demands Our Response (La Cruz Exige Nuestra Respuesta)
  • It Is Finished! (Esta Terminado)
  • Jesus - Not Guilty, Crucify Him
  • Servicio de adoración
  • His Last Prayer For His 11 Disciples
  • Servicio de Adoración (Worship Service)
  • Glorify The Son Who Glorifies The Father (Glorifica al Hijo que Glorifica al Padre)
  • Behold Jesus! (He Aquí a Jesús)
  • Worship Service (Servicio de adoración)
  • Jesus - Confident in the Victory (Confidente en la Victoria)
  • Sunday Morning Worship Service
  • Sunday Morning Worship Service
  • Sorrow To Joy (Dolor a Alegria)
  • Sunday Morning Worship Service
  • Rejoice That Jesus Returned To Heaven
  • El Senor Es Una Torre Fuerte (The Lord Is A Strong Tower)
  • Hated Without Cause (Odio sin causa)
  • Full Joy (Plena alegria)
  • Pidan Busquen Llamen
  • Apart From Jesus We Can Do Nothing (Aparte de Jesús no podemos hacer nada)
  • Pidan Busquen Llamen (Asking, Seeking, Knocking)
  • A Shortcut To The Father (Un atajo al Padre)
  • Saliendo de la carcel (Getting Out of Prison)
  • Another Helper To Be With The Believer Forever (Otra ayuda para estar con el creyente para siempre)
  • Do My Works and Greater Works (Haz Mis Obras y Obras Mayores)
  • The Remedy For The Troubled Heart (El Remedio para El Corazön Turbulento)
  • Identified as Jesus Disciple (Identificado como discípulo de Jesús)
  • He Loved Them To The End (Los amó hasta el final)
  • The Choice Before Us (La elección antes que nosotros)
  • Going Before The Giant
  • Jesus - Become Children of Light (Conviértete en hijos de la luz)
  • JESUS - The Hour Has come (Ha llegado la hora)
  • ¿Qué es la fe (What is Faith?)
  • The Coming King (El Rey que viene)
  • Jesus - Grasp The Opportunity (Coge la oportunidad)
  • No condemnación en Jesús (No Condemnation in Jesus)
  • Jesus Must Die For The People (Jesús debe morir por el pueblo)
  • See The Glory of God (Ver la gloria de Dios)
  • So That You May Believe (Para que puedas creer)
  • Jesus - I and The Father Are One (Yo y el Padre somos uno)
  • The Door and The Good Shepherd (La puerta y el buen pastor)
  • I Bring Sight To The Blind (Llevo la vista a Los ciegos)
  • I AM The Light of The World (So la luz del mundo)
  • Though I was Blind, Now I See (Aunque era ciego, ahora veo)
  • Free, Only When Freed By Jesus (Libre, solo cuando es liberado por Jesús)
  • Go and Sin No More (Ve y no peques más)
  • The World Reacts (All The People & The Authorities) [El mundo reacciona (Todas las personas y las au
  • The World Reacts [Jesus Brothers & Jewish Crowds] (El mundo reacciona [los hermanos de Jesús y las m
  • Lord, Where Else Would We Go (Señor, a dónde iríamos)
  • I AM The Living Bread (YO SOY El pan vivo)
  • I AM The Bread of Life (YO SOY El pan de vida)
  • Like Father Like Son (Como padre tanto hijo)
  • It Is Finished (Consumado es)
  • The World Has Gone After Jesus (El mundo ha ido tras Jesús)
  • The Work That God Requires (La obra que Dios requiere)
  • Jesus, The Provision For Need (Jesús, La provisión para la necesidad)
  • To Honor The Father Is To Honor The Son (Honrar al Padre es Honrar al Hijo)
  • How To Deal With Suffering (Cómo lidiar con el sufrimiento)
  • Those Who Wait (Aquellos que esperan)
  • The Growing Faith (La fe creciente)
  • The Growing Faith (La fe creciente)
  • The Gospel Is Personal But Not Private (El evangelio es personal pero no privado)
  • Seeking True Worshipers (Buscando verdaderos adoradores)
  • Agradecido (Grateful)
  • And Thirst No More (Y no mas sed)
  • More Him, Less Me (Más Él menos yo)
  • Come & Adore Him (Ven y adóralo)
  • Proof of Gods Love (Prueba del amor de Dios)
  • You Must Be Born Again (Os es necesario nacer de nuevo)
  • Consuming Zeal for God (Cele consumidor por Dios)
  • Jesus - From the Heart of the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Do What Jesus Says (Jesús -Del Corazón del
  • Behold The Lamb of God (
  • Introducing Jesus (Presentando a Jesús)
  • Count The Cost (Cuente el costo)
  • The Witness Sent From God (El testigo enviado por la Dios)
  • In The Beginning (En el principio)
  • Be A Witness For Jesus (Sea un testigo para Jesús)
  • Be Prepared (Estar preparado)
  • Be Holy (Sea santo)
  • Be Holy (Sea santo)
  • Set Your Mind on Things of God (Pon tu mente en las cosas de Dios)
  • Live Free (Vive libre)
  • Press On In Faith (Sigo adelante en la Fe)
  • Open Your Gift (Abre tu regalo) *ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MUSIC *
  • Open Your Gift: Abre tu regalo *SERMON AND CLOSING SONG*
  • Enter and Stay in Gods Rest (Entrar y permanecer en el reposo de Dios)
  • Be A Giver (Ser un dador)
  • The Response: Excel in Grace (La Respuesta: Sobresalir en gracia)
  • Be Doers of Gods Word (Ser hacedores de la Palabra de Dios)
  • Glorify God in Your Body (Glorifica a Dios en tu cuerpo)
  • Do This In Remembrance of Me (Haced en memoria de mí)
  • Resist the devil (Resiste al diablo)
  • Forgive (Perdonáis)
  • Boast Only In The Lord (Gloríese sólo en El Señor)
  • Take Hold of The Mind of Christ (Aférrate a la Mente de Cristo)
  • Be Eager to Maintain Unity (Sea diligente para mantener la unidad)
  • Be Eager to Maintain Unity (Sea diligente para mantecer la unidad)
  • One in Believers, All Believers One in God (Uno en los creyentes, todos creyentes uno en Dios)
  • Be Content But Not Complacent (Sea contenido pero no complaciente)
  • Mop or Wet Vac - 3 of 3 (Trapear o aspiradora para liquidos - 3 de 3)
  • Broom or Blower (Escoba o sopladora)
  • Push or Self-Propelled Part 1 (Empujar o autopropulsado Parte 1)
  • Trust God’s Plan For You (Confia en el plan de Dios por ti)
  • The Greatest in The Kingdom (El más grande del Reino)
  • Everything Changed (Todo cambió)
  • Deliverance - From Passover to Easter (Liberación - Desde la Pascua hasta el Día de la Resurrección)
  • Lost and Found, But Changed?
  • What is Right in the Eyes of The Lord- Part 1 (Lo que es correcto a los ojos del Senor - Parte 1)
  • Expect The Unexpected (Esperen lo inesperado)
  • Hope Never Shames (La esperanza nunca avergüenza)
  • Unsearchable & Inscrutable (Insondables y Inescrutables)
  • Set Your Mind (Set tu mente)
  • The Apple of Gods Eye (La manzana del ojo de Dios)
  • The Choices We Make (Las elecciones que hacemos)
  • Delivered & Transferred (Entregado y transferido)
  • Excel in The Grace of Giving (Excel en la gracia de dar)
  • First Our Heart, Then Our Actions (Primero Nuestro Corazón, Luego Nuestras Acciones)
  • Trials (Triales)
  • Dig Deep, Build on The Rock (Cavar profundamente, construir sobre la roca)
  • Keep The Charge of The Lord (Mantenga la carga del Señor)
  • Un corazón para Dios (A Heart For God)
  • Gods Rescue Mission
  • Magnify The Lord (Magnifica al Señor)
  • To Know God (Conocer a Dios)
  • For The Glory of The Lord (Por la gloria del Señor)
  • For The Sake of The Righteous (Por el bien de los justos)
  • The Good Hand of My God (La buena mano de mí Dios)
  • Love The Lord and Love The Church
  • Jesus Prays For Himself
  • The Lords Prayer
  • Whats Your Testimony (Cuál es tu testimonio)
  • Keep Your Eyes on The Prize (Mantén tus ojos el premio)
  • Blessed To Be A Blessing (Bendito sea una bendición)
  • Align Your Plan With Gods Plan (Alinear su plan con el plan de Dios)
  • Mourn The Sin Love The Sinner (Llorar el pecado amar al pecador)
  • Turn From Temptation Turn To God (Gira de la tentación gira hacia Dios0
  • Living For The World or Living For God (Vive para el mundo o vive para Dios)
  • Rely on Gods Wisdom (Confia en la sabiduria de Dios)
  • Control What You Say (Controla lo que dices)
  • True Faith Changes Us (Le fe verdadera nos cambia)
  • God Has No Favorites (Dios no tiene favoritos)
  • Prepare Yourself For Trials and Tempations (Prepárate para pruebas y tentaciones)
  • Recognize Your Trials (Reconoce tus tentaciones)
  • Conquer Your Trials (Conquistar tus pruebas)
  • Embrace Your Trials (Abraza tus pruebas)
  • Truths About Gods Family (Verdades sobre la familia de Dios)
  • Freed By Fear (Liberado por el miedo)
  • Sweet & Salty (Dulce y salado)
  • Unanswered Prayers - 2 of 2 (¿Orós sin respuesta? 2 de 2)
  • Recharging Our Life (Recargando nuestra vida)
  • Household Relationship Choices (Elecciones de relaciones familiares)
  • Heart Choices (Elecciones del corazón)
  • Dressed In Jesus (Vestido en Jesús)
  • Jesus Wants Our Hearts and our lips (Jesús quíere nuestro corazón y nuestros labios)
  • Jesus - GPS (Jesús está Divino GPS)
  • Jesus - All in All (Jesús está en total)
  • Easter For God The Spirit (La Pascua para el Espiritu de Dios)
  • Easter For God The Son (La Pascua para el hijo Dios)
  • Easter For God The Son (La Pascua para el hijo Dios)
  • Easter For Our Heavenly Father (La Pascua para nuestro padre celestial)
  • JESUS The True Vine - 3 of 3 (JESÚS es la vid verdadera - 3 de 3)
  • JESUS The True Vine-2 of 3 (JESÚS es la vid verdadera-2 de 3)
  • JESUS The True Vine (JESÚS es la vid verdadera)
  • JESUS The Way The Truth The Life (JESÚS es el camino la verdad y la vida)
  • JESUS The Resurrection and The Life - Conclusion (JESUS es la resurreccion y la vida -Conclusion)
  • JESUS The Resurrection and The Life (Jesus es la resurreccion y la vida)
  • JESUS The Good Shepherd (JESUS es el buen pastor)
  • JESUS The Door to Abundant Life (JESUS es la puerta a la vida abundante)
  • JESUS Light of the World (JESUS es la luz del mundo)
  • JESUS, Bread of Life (JESUS es el pan de la vida)
  • Jesus Messiah (Jesús Mesías)
  • Jesus King of Kings (Jesús es Rey de reyes)
  • Jesus, Fully Man (Jesus es completamente hombre)
  • Jesus, The Descendant (Jesus es el descendiente)
  • Jesus, The Promise (Jesus es la promesa)
  • Jesus, Fully God
  • Living Thankful (Un agradecimiento vivo)
  • Look To The Things That Are Unseen (Mira las cosas que no se ben)
  • What Have You Seen (Que has visto)?
  • The Why, When, What of Praying for Our Persecuted Family (El por que, cuando, que por orar nuestra f
  • The Power of The Most High - Part 3 (El poder del Altisimo - Parte 3)
  • The Power of The Most High - Part 2 (El poder del Altisimo - Parte 2)
  • The Power of The Most High (El poder del Altisimo) - Part 1
  • We Always Need Prayer (Siempre necesitamos oraciones)
  • We Havent Missed Jesus Return (No hemos perdido el regreso de Jesus)
  • The Certain Future (El futuro es cierto)
  • Being The Church Part 2 (Siendo la iglesia Part 2)
  • Completely Holy (Completamente santo)
  • Being The Church (Siendo la iglesia)
  • The Coming of The Lord (La venida del Séñor)
  • The Coming of The Lord - Part 2 (La venida del Senor - Parte 2)
  • Please God More and More - Part 3 (Agradar a Dios mas y mas - Parte 3)
  • Please God More and More Part 2 (Agradar a Dios mas y mas Parte 2)
  • Please God More and More (Agradar a Dios mas y mas)
  • To Strengthen and Encourage (Para fortalacerte y alentarte)
  • Share & Live the Gospel (Compartir y vivir el Evangelio)
  • Imitators of God (Imitadores de Dios)
  • You Are An Example
  • Where is My Great and Awesome Day? (Donde esta Mi gran e impersionante dia)
  • Where Are My Judges and My Treasured Possessions? (Donde estan mi jueces y mis posesiones atesoradas
  • Where is My Offering? (Donde esta Mi ofrenda)
  • Where is My Justice? (¿Dondé está Mi justicia?)
  • Where is My Favor? (¿Dónde está mi favor?)
  • Where is the Awe of Me?
  • Where is My Honor and My Fear?
  • Be Ready for Jesus Unexpected Return (Esten listos) - Part 2
  • Be Ready (Esten listos) Part/Parte 1
  • Gods Invitation (La invitacion de Dios) Part 2
  • God’s Invitation (La invitación de Dios) - Part 1
  • Secure (Seguro) - Part 2
  • Secure (Seguro)
  • Preparing Instead of Arguing and Stalling
  • What Do You Remember? (De qué te recuerdas)
  • Taste and See
  • Unless The Lord
  • Jesus The Church Builder
  • Jesus Messiah (Jesús Mesías)
  • Success Defined
  • Gods Favor
  • The Unexpected
  • Himself
  • According to the Will of God
  • God Does All He Pleases
  • An Heir Through God
  • Count It All Joy
  • Jesus Leads His Church
  • Jesus Judges His Church
  • Jesus Walks Among Us
  • Gods Imprint (Part 4)
  • Gods Imprint (Part 3)
  • Gods Imprint (Part 2)
  • Gods Imprint (Part 1)
  • Grace Gifts
  • Overcomer
  • The Paralytic Becomes The Saved and Healed
  • Refresh and Be Refreshed
  • The Unlikely Missionary
  • Stand, Hold, Sing, See
  • The Widow's Offering
  • Servants Who Spoke Up To Their Master
  • Persecutor Becomes Persecuted
  • Dad
  • The Danger of Disregarding
  • The Danger of Defecting
  • The Danger of Disbelief
  • The Danger of Drifting
  • Mom
  • Jesus Is Coming Back
  • Easter is Over Now What?
  • He Is Risen
  • It Is Finished
  • Love As I Have Loved You
  • The Pursuit of Lasting Contentment
  • The Secret to Lasting Contentment
  • We Are In A Battle
  • Building the Spirit-Filled Home (Part 2)
  • Building the Spirit-Filled Home (part 1)
  • Cabecar Mission Team 11 Debriefing
  • Unreasonable Doubt
  • Look Carefully How You Walk
  • Be Like Your Heavenly Father
  • Growing Together in Christ
  • Growing Together in Christ
  • The Why and How of Watching
  • Who Do You Say I Am
  • Why He Left
  • Why He Came
  • Jesus in the Old Testament
  • We Are Todays Watchers
  • The Complete Christian
  • What Does Remember Look Like?
  • What Does God Say About Persecution?
  • How Does God Describe His Family?
  • Why Talk About The Persecuted Church?
  • Get Back In The Light
  • The One and Only Gospel Boasts In The Cross
  • The One and Only Gospel Teaches Us Love in Community
  • The One and Only Gospel Leads to Living in the Spirit
  • The One and Only Gospel Is About Relationship With God
  • The One and Only Gospel Has Always Been About Faith (Final)
  • The One and Only Gospel Has Always Been About Faith
  • The One and Only Gospel Is For Life Eternal and For Life Today
  • The One and Only Gospel Came From God
  • The One and Only Gospel
  • Always Pray Humbly and Dont Give Up
  • Love The Neighbor God Puts In Your Path
  • Bear Fruit To Prove You Are A Disciple of Jesus
  • Rejoice When God Rejoices (Part 2)
  • Testimony of Stephen Holland
  • L is for Fathers Day
  • Love What God Gives
  • Want What God Wants
  • Know God + Show God
  • Watch, Wait, and Work for God
  • Using Your Gifts to Glorify God
  • Be Rich Toward God
  • Spread Good News
  • Hearing God
  • Die to Live
  • Be A Blessing
  • Stay Hungry For Jesus
  • Choose Life
  • Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Be Ready!
  • Be Imitators of Christ
  • Team Ten Debriefing
  • Look Carefully How You Walk
  • Gods Love Perfected In Us
  • Love As Jesus Loves Us
  • Trusting God In All Outcomes
  • Prepare The Way of The Lord
  • The Fullness of Time
  • Behold The Lamb of God
  • Come and See What God Has Done
  • The Greatest Gift
  • Is This Not The Carpenter?
  • Pleasing Aroma
  • Intl Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
  • Grace Period
  • Burning Hearts
  • Rooted in Gods Word
  • My Public Worship (Part 2)
  • My Public Worship (Part 1)
  • My Personal Worship
  • What Is Worship?
  • More To This Life
  • Jesus Teaches Choosing Wisely
  • Jesus Teaches Living The Golden Rule
  • Jesus Teaching Practicing Persistent Prayer
  • Jesus Teaches About Judging Others
  • Jesus Teaches Serving Our Faithful Father
  • Jesus Teaches Seeking The Fathers Reward
  • Jesus Teaches Old Testament Law (part 3)
  • Jesus Teaches Old Testament Law (part 2)
  • Jesus Teaches Old Testament Law (part 1)
  • Jesus Teaches Traits of His Followers (end)
  • Jesus Teaches Traits of His Followers
  • Be A Good Father
  • Live Like God Is In Control
  • Make Disciples
  • Bear Fruit
  • Work Out Our Salvation
  • Love Most
  • Seek First
  • Guard Your Heart
  • The Suffering Messiah
  • The Sacrifice
  • Introduction
  • Team Nine Debrief
  • Remember
  • The Power of God
  • The Lord Delivers The Righteous
  • Grace in the Dysfunctional Church (Part 2) - January 29, 2017
  • Grace In The Dysfunctional Church (Part 1)
  • Grace In The Dysfunctional Workplace
  • New Year New You
  • Grace In The Dysfunctional Family
  • Christmas Morning
  • The Presence
  • The Promise
  • The Problem
  • A Thankful Heart
  • Faithful Examples
  • Contentment
  • Honored Marriage
  • Otherly Love
  • Introduction
  • Life - Choose Wisely
  • Come and See What God Has Done
  • The Way and the Truth and the Life
  • The True Vine
  • The Bread of Life
  • The Light of the World
  • The Good Shepherd
  • Run Your Race
  • Upbuilding
  • RESOLVED - Part 5
  • RESOLVED - Part 4
  • RESOLVED - Part 2
  • RESOLVED - Part 1
  • Fathers Day 2016
  • Be My Witness - Part 3
  • Be My Witness - Part 2
  • Be My Witness - Introduction
  • Concern for the Lost
  • Mother's Day 2016
  • Be Love
  • Be Free
  • Be Second
  • Be Used
  • Ordination of Christopher Grady Weaver
  • Be Steadfast + Immovable
  • Storing Treasure - Part 4 (Him)
  • Storing Treasure - Part 2 (Using Treasure From Our Heart)
  • Team 8 Highlights
  • The Decision To Be Different
  • Storing Treasure (Overview)
  • God's Love
  • God's In Charge
  • God's Church
  • God
  • God's Masterpiece
  • To Be A Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus Christ
  • Be One
  • Be Ready
  • Be Still
  • Be Connected
  • Content Not Complacent
  • Nothing To It
  • Pressing On + Victorious
  • Oneness + Forgiveness
  • Oneness + Thankfulness
  • We Are The Persecuted Church
  • How It Happened: Our Nigerian Family Suffering for Jesus
  • The Second Coming of Christ
  • You Are A Letter From Christ To Your Friends
  • You Are A Letter From Christ To Your Neighbors
  • Your Letter to Your Workplace
  • Your Letter To Your Church
  • You Are A Letter From Christ - Part 4
  • You Are A Letter From Christ - Part 3
  • You Are A Letter From Christ - Part 2
  • You Are A Letter From Christ
  • Cabecar Mission Trip Team 7
  • Things to Remember in Uncertain Times
  • Armored Up? Now What?
  • Sword of the Spirit
  • The Helmet of Salvation
  • Fathers Day
  • Remembering God and His Work
  • Use It or Lose It
  • Shield of Faith
  • Shoes of Peace
  • A Love Story
  • Portraits of Christ
  • Breast Plate of Righteousness
  • The Belt of Truth
  • Journey Church Succession Discussion
  • Standing Strong After The Battle
  • Man to God
  • The Church to Christ
  • Believers to Pastors
  • The Marriage Relationship
  • Citizens to Government
  • Slaves to Masters
  • Younger to Older
  • Children To Parents
  • Biblical Submission
  • Cabecar Mission Team 6
  • Five Factors of Effective Prayer
  • The Love of God
  • Preparation for Worship
  • The Call
  • No Condemnation in Jesus
  • When Life Gets Too Busy, Go Fast
  • Gift Of Joy
  • Adulthood
  • Adolescence
  • Childhood
  • Infancy
  • Spiritual Maturity
  • Hope Beyond The Suffering
  • Losing Our Passion
  • The Year Of Jubilee
  • He Reigns
  • Heart Follows Treasure
  • Individual Ministries
  • Men's and Women's Ministries
  • Stones In The Quarry
  • Persecuted Church
  • Ministry in Costa Rica
  • Homegroup
  • Later and Forever
  • Here and Now
  • Congregational Worship
  • The Bible Is A Unique Book
  • Our Journey
  • The Joy of Serving
  • Cabecar Team 5
  • The Conditions of Discipleship
  • How To Make An Arrow Hit The Target
  • Chasing Christ
  • Choosing Christ
  • Craving Christ
  • Encouragement
  • Weapons of God
  • Press On
  • Armor of God
  • Victory in Jesus Christ
  • Where Is The Battle
  • Why We Fight
  • Allies
  • Enemies
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Completely Redeemed
  • Getting Counsel
  • Cabecar Church Trip to Costa Rica
  • Work
  • The Exalted Position of The Servant
  • Sacrifice
  • Finding The Truth - In The World
  • Finding The Truth - In The Church
  • Finding The Truth
  • The Church's Priorities
  • The Church's Giving
  • How Was Your Christmas
  • The Church's Fellowship
  • The Church's Worship
  • The Church - Introduction Pt. 2
  • The Church
  • For Better or Worse - Conclusion
  • For Better or Worse - The Holy Wife
  • God's But Is Bigger Than Your But
  • For Better or Worse - The Holy Husband
  • For Better or For Worse Pt. 3
  • For Better or For Worse
  • Generational Faith - Commit Yourselves
  • Generational Faith - Love The Lord
  • That Kind of Faith
  • Generational Faith - Fear The Lord
  • Prayer Warriors Needed (Pt2)
  • Prayer Warriors Needed
  • Generational Faith
  • Offerings - The Final Offering
  • Here and Now
  • Offerings - The Guilt Offering
  • Offerings - The Sin Offering
  • Because You Ask Not
  • Cabecar Mission Trip Debrief
  • Senders and Messengers
  • Offerings - The Peace Offering
  • Rest
  • Offerings: The Grain Offering
  • Offerings: The Burnt Offering
  • There Is No Check List
  • The 3 C's of Forgiveness
  • Forgiveness: Introduction
  • Made in God's Image - God, The Son
  • Made In God's Image - God, The Holy Spirit
  • Made in God's Image - God, The Father
  • Made In God's Image
  • Raising Ebenezers: What are Your Ebenezers?
  • Raising Ebenezers: Submission to God's Will
  • Raising Ebenezers: Submission to God's Word
  • Raising Ebenezers
  • Advent: Setting the Stage
  • Advent: The Coming of Christ
  • Intercessory Prayer: Praying for our Enemies
  • Intercessory Prayer: Figures of Authority
  • Intercessory Prayer
  • Our Personal Prayer
  • A Model For Prayer
  • Everyone Matters
  • Waiting
  • Success
  • Comforting Words
  • Finding Balance In Life: Resignation
  • Finding Balance In Life: Resolution
  • Finding Balance In Life: Complacency
  • Finding Balance In Life: Contentment
  • The Promises of Christ - Abundant Life
  • God's Holiness
  • The Promises of Christ - Eternal Life
  • Biblical Financial Management
  • Abre Mis Ojos
  • Being Christ's Ambassador
  • A Godly Heritage
  • Having Courage
  • God Wants Your Heart
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Self Control
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Gentleness
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Faithfulness
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Kindness
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Patience
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Peace
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Joy
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Love
  • Walking By The Spirit
  • Being Holy - A Message For Us
  • Being Holy - Being Different and Morally Pure
  • Being Holy
  • Discerning God
  • Lifting Up Leftovers
  • Evidence of the Grace of God
  • In The Beginning
  • More Than Conquerors
  • Bearing Each Other's Burdens
  • God's Timing
  • Psalms 19:14
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Prayer Changes Things
  • Ministry 2012
  • God Is Love
  • God Is Enough
  • God Is My Refuge
  • God Is Our Hope
  • Unthankfulness
  • God Is Our Redeemer
  • How Are We Built Up Practically
  • Why Do We Need Built up
  • Building Up The Believer - Made New
  • Building Up The Believer
  • Building Up The Home - The Roof
  • Building Up The Home - The Walls
  • Building Up The Home - The Foundation
  • Building Up The Home
  • Building Up The Church - Outreach
  • Building Up The Church - Inreach
  • God's Workroom
  • Take Heart!
  • Building Up The Church - Equipping The Saints
  • Building Up The Church
  • Finding Grace - Finding God's Grace
  • Finding Grace - Grace's Ally
  • Finding Grace - The Enemy Of Grace
  • Wake Up Call
  • Guard Your Heart - External Assaults
  • Guard Your Heart - Internal Assualts
  • Guard Your Heart
  • Finding Prudence
  • Finding Wisdom
  • The Resurrection
  • You Are Welcome Here
  • The Pattern For Worship - The Throne
  • The Pattern For Worship - The Tabernacle
  • The Pattern For Worship - The Tithes
  • The Pattern For Worship - Offerings
  • About Prayer
  • Why Are We Here - Walking Humbly with God Daily
  • Why Are We Here - Walking Humbly with God
  • Why Are We Here - Love Mercy
  • Why Are We Here - Loving Your Neighbor
  • Why Are We Here - Keeping His Commandments
  • Why Are We Here
  • It's About The Family
  • Double Minded Faith
  • Pastor AppreciationDay Skit
  • Strengthen What Remains
  • True Forgiveness
  • Finding Rest
  • Heart Of God
  • Times of Trouble
  • RESOLVED - Part 4
  • Prepare Yourself For Trials and Temptations (Prepárate para pruebas y tentaciones)
  • Set Your Mind (Set tu mente)
  • JESUS - The Hour Has Come (Ha llegado la hora)
Recent MessagesPage      <<   <   59    60    61    62    63    >   >>     
Message Date Speaker Action
Evidence of the Grace of God
March 11, 2012 Kevin McMahan Watch
In The Beginning
March 04, 2012 Steve Averitt Watch
More Than Conquerors
February 26, 2012 Kevin McMahan Watch
Bearing Each Other's Burdens
February 19, 2012 Alex Averitt Watch
God's Timing
February 12, 2012 Alex Averitt Watch
Psalms 19:14
February 05, 2012 Alex Averitt Watch
The Holy Spirit
January 29, 2012 Kevin McMahan Watch
Prayer Changes Things
January 15, 2012 Alex Averitt Watch
Ministry 2012
January 08, 2012 Alex Averitt Watch
God Is Love
Series: God Is
December 18, 2011 Alex Averitt Watch